All scores for CLIA regulated analytes are automatically sent to CMS and State Agencies. Results are also sent to COLA and the CAP for participants that supply a COLA or LAP number. Scores will appear on the CMS cumulative score sheet only for those analytes that are regulated.
Please follow all directions in filling out your reporting form completely. Once a report is graded, CMS does not allow for corrections due to participant’s clerical and/or omission errors.
If you are unable to participate for a proficiency testing event, you must notify us in writing in advance of the event close. A CLIA requirement for excused non-participation is that patient testing not be performed during the timeframe of the event. Therefore your statement of intent not to participate must include an attestation that patient testing is not being performed at the time of the event, the reason for not participating in a proficiency testing and event when or if patient testing is expected to resume. This excused non-participation can only be granted once within a reporting year.
If the non-testing is permanent or has no anticipated resumption, then you will receive a code of “Dc” indicating to CMS or your CLIA deemed authority that you are no longer performing this test. You must indicate that you are discontinuing testing to receive a “Dc”.
If you anticipate resumption of testing by the next scheduled testing event, and if you meet the CLIA requirement of participation in the two prior events, you will receive a code of “Er” or exclusion requested. Please be aware, that a code of “Er” is subject to review by CMS or your CLIA deemed authority. We are required to abide by their decision and will remove the “Er” and convert your report to “NR” with a score of 0 if they feel your reason for non-participation is inadequate.